We understand that your time is more valuable than money, which is why we’ve introduced our Exam Taking Services. Let us handle your exams and help you earn your certification hassle-free. Achieve your Digital Marketing Certificates at the most affordable rates of the decade!
Why did You Choose Us?
100% Success Rate
We have cleared more than 13000 certificates and we never get failed in any exam.
Super Fast Delivery
We guarantee to provide any certificate within 24 hours. You’ll also receive a free exam answer sheet and a PDF version of the certificate upon completing the exam. (Available in English only.)
99% Average Percentage
You will get an Average 99% Percentage Score.
100% Secure Service
Your password and privacy are 100% secure with us. We need your account details for login.
100% Genuine & Legal
Our Service is 100% Genuine and Legal. We have helped more than 1800 users to get Google, HubSpot, SEMrush, and other Certificates.
Helped 1700+ Users
Our expertise team helped more than 1700 users to get Digital Marketing Certificates.
17,000+ Certificates Delivered
We have delivered more than 17,000 certificates to 1800+ users with a 100% success rate.
Our Requirement
We need the below information for your exam so that we can log in to your account and take the exam on your behalf.
- Certificate /Exam Name (Example: Google Search or Bing on any exam name)
- Your Email ID
- Your Email ID Password
- Recovery Email
- Recovery Phone Number
Note: After passing the exam, you can change your email password.
How to provide us with the above information?
Please fill up the below form for hiring us. You can also send the above information through Skype: alexrochelle67
🤔 Why do a Company or Individual Need Digital Marketing Certificates?
Answer: If you are running a business, you can take a printout and put it on your office wall, or you can use it on your business website to show that your company is Digital Marketing Certified. For an Individual, it can help you to get freelance projects, or it can help you to get a Job with a high-paying salary.
🤔 Why do I need to share my account details with you?
Answer: To get your certificates, we need to log in to the specific account, that’s why we need your account details. If you don’t want to share your personal account details, you can log in through Team Viewer into our PC or you can create a new account for certificates.
🤔 From where I can download my Certificates after receiving the order?
Answer: After completing the order, we will share Certificates and Scores with you on your Email ID. If you have misplaced the certificates you can download them from the Google, Hubspot, or SEMrush account.
🤔 Is there any direct public URL available for Certificates?
Answer: There is no public URL available for Certificates. But you can share your public profile from Google Skillshop, where all the passing certificates will be showing.
🤔 What are the language of the Study guides and the answers sheet?
Answer: Our Study guidelines and answers are in English only. But in Google Partners exams you can choose the language you need before taking the exam and when you pass it, you can see the certificate in the chosen language.
🤔 Do you have a passing Guarantee & Refund Policy?
Answer: Yes, we have a 100% passing Guarantee & Refund Policy. If you fail, we will give your payment Back!