100% Free Updated Get Started On Twitter Badge Certification Exam Questions & Answers.
Earn the Get Started On Twitter Badge by scoring 80% or higher on the Twitter Badge Assessment.
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Get Started On Twitter Badge Certification Details:
- Questions: 35 questions
- Pass rate: 80%
- Time: No Time Limit
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(Click on the questions, to get the correct answers)
✅ What type of content allows you to record an audio message and share it with your followers?
✅ A _______ is a message sent directly from one Twitter account to another.
✅ What tool gives you the power to decide who can reply to your Tweets.
✅ When writing your Tweets, you should consider… (choose three)
✅ Where should you go for the most up-to-date statistics on the actions we’re taking on Twitter?
✅ How can you ensure your parody account is in compliance with Twitter’s policies? (select two)
✅ What are three ways you can improve your Twitter bio? (select three)
✅ If your account is compromised, one of the first things you should do is…
✅ This dashboard features high-level statistics and is a gallery of your greatest hits.
✅ What tool allows you to create real-time audio conversations with other people on Twitter?
✅ What are the recommended dimensions for your Twitter profile picture?
✅ How many characters can be used in your display name?
✅ _________ displays a stream of Tweets from accounts and Topics you’ve chosen to follow on Twitter.
✅ We believe the majority—if not all—of your content should be capped at _____.
✅ What are some of the most basic ways to interact with content on Twitter? (select three)
✅ When creating video content, where should you place your logo?
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✅ What feature allows you to tailor search results to specific date ranges, people, and more?
✅ What are the main ways to track your success on Twitter? (select three)
✅ _________ are Tweets paid for by our advertisers.
✅ ________ are a great way to tell longer-form, curated stories on Twitter.
✅ What are three things you can do to esnure your account stays secure? (select three)
✅ When you see a questionable Tweet in your timeline, how can you take action? (select four)
✅ What three things are essential to building a solid Twitter content strategy? (select three)
✅ ________ are a great way to drive engagement and learn more about what your followers like.
✅ Creating _________ are key in guiding you on how to plan and create relevant content.
✅ Match the following terms to their definitions.
✅ True or False. On Twitter, the word ‘Tweet’ can be used as a verb or a noun.
✅ How many characters can be used in a Tweet?
✅ How many characters can be used in your Twitter Bio?
✅ What are some good things to highlight in your pinned Tweet? (select three)
✅ The Twitter Rules are centered around three primary areas:
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