Waze Ads Fundamentals Certification Exam Answers 2024

100% Free Updated Waze Ads Fundamentals Certification Exam Questions & Answers.

The Waze Ads Fundamentals course will introduce you to the fundamentals of the Waze Ads advertising platform, including the history and mission of Waze, an overview of the Waze ad formats and solutions, how to track the performance of your campaign, and more.

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Waze Ads Fundamentals Certification Exam Details:

  • Questions: 28 questions
  • Time limit: 50 Minutes
  • Pass rate: 80%

Waze Certification

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✅ How does the Waze Dashboard define the Navigations performance metric?

  • The number of Wazers who search for your business
  • The number of Waze users who click “Drive There”? or “Go”? from an ad unit or location preview
  • The number of Wazers who see your ad
  • The number of Wazers who click on your phone number

✅ What additional features are in the Plus dashboard?

  • History Navigations and Save Clicks
  • Inbox Impressions
  • Inbox Action Clicks
  • All of these

✅ Which Agency Partner service level requires Advanced Certification and a minimum quarterly investment?

  • Waze Certified Partner
  • Waze Preferred Partner
  • Both
  • Neither

✅ More than what percentage of drivers using Waze are between 25 and 54 years old?

  • 25%
  • 50%
  • 75%
  • 99%

✅ On which of the following popular branding platforms do people spend the most in-app time per month, on average?

  • Waze
  • Pinterest
  • Snapchat
  • Twitter

✅ On which platform can small and medium-sized businesses or national brands seeking localized campaigns advertise?

  • Waze for Brands
  • Waze Local
  • Waze Ads
  • None of these

✅ What is the newest Waze offering?

  • Connected Citizens Program
  • Waze for Brands
  • Waze Local
  • Waze Carpool

✅ Pricing for both Starter and Plus is based upon what type of model?

  • CPM
  • Flat rate
  • Yearly subscription
  • Monthly fee

✅ Pricing for Waze Local Starter begins at as little as $ ____/day, while Waze Local Plus starts at $____/day?

  • $10 / $1,000
  • $100 / $500
  • $2 / $100
  • $1/$500

✅ Waze uses the context of a user’s drive to deliver advertising in the most relevant in-car moments.

  • True
  • False

✅ Waze drivers can report things like heavy traffic, road-closures, hazards and more in real-time using Active Reporting.

  • True
  • False

✅ Pins should always include text to increase their visibility

  • False
  • True

✅ By mixing and matching formats and CTAs, you can create a strategy that will drive impact year round

  • True
  • False

✅ CTAs allow you to continue to engage with your consumer even after the drive is complete via hyperlocal push notifications.

  • True
  • False

✅ You must have a physical location to advertise on Waze

  • False
  • True

✅ Brands can promote where their products can be found using Waze Ads

  • True
  • False

✅ Creative on the Waze platform works best when repurposes from other Ad Platforms

  • True
  • False

✅ Use _____ and capture a drivers attention at the start of the ride to highlight an offer or new location!

  • Pins & Search
  • Dots & Arrows
  • Arrows
  • Pins

✅ ______ are like a digital billboard that is shown to Wazers when their vehicle is safely at a complete stop.

  • Pins
  • Zero Speed Takeovers
  • Search
  • Arrows

✅ ______ are strongest when being used as an always-on tactic for location awareness.

  • Pins
  • Zero Speed Takeovers
  • Search
  • Arrows

✅ Pin names have a ____ character maximum.

  • 10
  • 20
  • 30
  • 40

✅ Business descriptions are most optimal when they’re ___ characters.

  • 60
  • 100
  • 90
  • 80

✅ A Wazer seeing an Ice Cream Shop ad that results in an unplanned rerouting to that business to get an milkshake would be an example of what Navigation Behavior?

  • Spontaneous
  • Influenced
  • Assisted
  • Planned

✅ Waze can help you grow your business by ____ (select all that apply)

  • Posting new hire fun facts
  • Promoting a new location
  • Promoting a special offer
  • Increasing familiarity with your brand

✅ Waze operates in ____ countries around the world

  • 100+
  • 85+
  • 185+
  • 190+

✅ What feature helps add additional information about your business to your ad creative helps you to promote a drive-thru or curbside pickup at your location

  • Location Icons
  • Location Personalities
  • Personality Icons
  • Drive-thru Personalities

✅ In 2019 Wazers navigated to how many businesses

  • 1B+
  • 200M+
  • 2B+
  • 575M+

✅ The ______ feature(s) helps keep you top of mind when customers are looking for businesses like yours

  • Pins & Search
  • Dots & Arrows
  • Zero Speed Takeover & Dots
  • Location Personalities

✅ Zero-Speed Takeovers safely prompt action and engagement when a user is stopped by waiting ____ before showing an ad

  • 2 seconds
  • 4 seconds
  • 10 seconds
  • 7 seconds

✅ ______ inform and remind customers that your business is on or near their route

  • Arrows
  • Zero Speed Take Over
  • Pins
  • Location Personalities

✅ You have a BOGO special after 5pm on Ice Cream — what CTA would be 2 best to add to the Zero Speed Takeover you serve during the morning?

  • Remind Me
  • Drive There
  • Save Location
  • Save Offer

✅ Waze has _____ of drivers globally

  • 110+ million
  • 130+ million
  • 200+ million
  • 90+ million

✅ Waze Ads can help businesses who are looking to

  • Build location awareness
  • Increase sales
  • Promote a product
  • Promote a special offer

✅ On average users spend how long using Waze monthly

  • 20.5 hours
  • 10.5 hours
  • 7.5 hours
  • 9 hours

✅ Hyperlocal push notifications can be set by which of the following (check all that apply)

  • Time
  • Coupon expiring
  • Location
  • Month and day

✅ Call to Actions can help you to

  • Spontaneously navigate a user to your location
  • Remind a user about a special offer at a later time
  • Reach a driver at the beginning of their journey
  • All of the above

✅ Insights and data allow Waze Local to effectively target drivers by knowing what?

  • When drivers are visiting your competitors
  • When drivers are near your business
  • When drivers are near your business or visiting your competitors.
  • When drivers are at home or work

✅ Nearly half (46%) of all Waze users have a yearly household income of what amount?

  • $50K or less
  • $75K
  • $90k
  • $100K or more

✅ How many hours per month do Wazers average on the app?

  • 2
  • 5
  • 6
  • 11

✅ Name the level(s) of Waze Agency partnership?

  • Certified Partner
  • Preferred Partner
  • Certified Partner and Preferred Partner
  • Waze Local Partner

✅ What do all three ad formats help small and medium-sized businesses or national brands seeking localized campaigns achieve?

  • Differentiation from similar businesses in their area
  • Improved location awareness
  • Increased navigations to their locations and in-store traffic
  • All of these

✅ In 2017, more than ______ drivers visited local businesses in the U.S. advertising on Waze?

  • 3 million
  • 3 million
  • 3 million
  • 3 million

✅ What does Promoted Search offer?

  • Priority in drivers’ search results
  • Business logo and address
  • Both
  • Neither

✅ How are Waze routes developed to be as efficient as possible?

  • Crowd-sourcing
  • Collective GPS tracking
  • Both of these
  • Neither

✅ What is our company’s mission statement?

  • Outsmarting traffic, together
  • Encouraging carpooling
  • Promoting ride-sharing
  • Take 50% of cars off the road

✅ Almost ⅓ of the Wazers you reach on Waze Local live within how many miles of your business?

  • 6
  • 10
  • 12
  • 15

✅ Zero-Speed Takeover displays ads when drivers ________?

  • Check their phone
  • Come to a complete stop for more than 3 seconds—safety first!
  • Search for a business
  • Begin driving

✅ If you plan to spend less than $100/day, which solution is most suitable for your business?

  • Waze Local Starter
  • Waze Local Plus
  • Both
  • Neither

✅ On average, what navigational increase do businesses experience when they advertise on Waze Local?

  • 2%
  • 9%
  • 10%
  • 20%

✅ What is the minimum investment requirement for Preferred Partners?

  • $15k per month for three consecutive months
  • $45k in the last three months
  • Either of these
  • Neither

✅ What does the Waze Dashboard allow you to do?

  • Manage your Starter or Plus account settings
  • Track the performance of your campaign
  • View and edit your Creatives
  • All of these

✅ Which Waze offering is a data exchange program that offers Waze vital insights on proposed road closures and detours?

  • Waze Carpool
  • Connected Citizens Program
  • Waze Local
  • Waze for Brands

✅ How many times per day do drivers feel they must use Waze in order to pass “The Toothbrush Test”??

  • 1
  • 2
  • 5
  • 0

✅ In what year did Google acquire Waze?

  • 2005
  • 2008
  • 2013
  • 2017

✅ Wazers with 2 to 4 people in their household make up what percentage of overall users?

  • 25%
  • 50%
  • 60%
  • 65%

✅ Which additional ad format does Waze Local Plus offer?

  • Branded Pins
  • Promoted Search
  • Zero-Speed Takeover
  • None of these

✅ What can advertising on Waze Local help small and medium-sized businesses or national brands seeking localized campaigns achieve?

  • Raise their profile
  • Increase location awareness
  • Drive in-store traffic
  • All of these

✅ What do Waze Local ads offer that traditional OOH and billboards lack?

  • Business name and logo
  • Business address
  • Critical targeting and measurement capabilities to reach an audience of 100% nearby drivers in real time
  • Business phone number

✅ What type of additional support do Waze Preferred Partners receive?

  • Client acquisition
  • Training materials
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • All of these

✅ What business information do Branded Pins provide when a user clicks on them?

  • Business locations and store hours
  • Phone number and special deals
  • Store hours and phone number
  • Business locations, store hours, phone numbers, and special deals.

✅ How do you calculate an Ad’s Click-Through Rate (CTR)?

  • Ad Unit Clicks/Impressions
  • Impressions/Ad Unit Clicks
  • Navigations/Ad Unit Clicks
  • None of these

✅ What is the Waze key user benefit?

  • Save drivers 30 seconds per day
  • Save drivers 1 minute per day
  • Save drivers 2 minutes per day
  • Save drivers 5 minutes per day

✅ How many people use Waze around the world?

  • 20 million
  • 50 million
  • 75 million
  • 100 million

✅ What types of account management capabilities does the Waze Local Starter Dashboard offer?

  • Add Locations
  • Edit Business/Location Information
  • Change Budget/Invoice information
  • All of these

✅ If a client wanted to reach drivers for a Wednesday afternoon only campaign, could they do this?

  • Yes, with day part targeting
  • No, not on a specific day of the week
  • No, not at a specific time
  • No, Waze Local ads are random

✅ Which file type(s) can you use for your Waze Local ad Creative?

  • Jpg
  • Png
  • Both
  • Neither

✅ Waze users spend how many minutes per day, two to three times per day on the app?

  • 2 to 3
  • 5 to 10
  • 50 to 20
  • 20 to 40

✅ To whom do we offer custom Creative for Waze Local campaigns?

  • Certified Partners
  • Preferred Partners
  • Waze Local Starter advertisers
  • None of these

✅ What are among the top advertiser categories on Waze Local?

  • QSRs / CDRs
  • Health care
  • Convenience stores
  • All of these

✅ Which of the following is NOT considered a user Action in the Waze Dashboards?

  • Ad Unit Clicks
  • Views (Impressions)
  • URL Visits
  • Navigations

✅ Copy for Waze Local campaigns should follow a recommended character limit of _______?

  • 25 characters or less
  • 60 characters or less
  • 100 characters or less
  • 200 characters or less

✅ What should you consider to write a high-impact, aligned CTA for your Waze Local ad?

  • Your campaign’s end goal
  • Waze Local’s CTA
  • Your campaign’s end goal and Waze Local’s CTA
  • A CTA repurposed from your digital campaigns

✅ When designing Waze Local ads, all brand messaging and creative assets should be _______?

  • Short and sweet
  • Simple
  • Contextual
  • All of these

✅ What do the Waze Dashboards allow you to do?

  • Manage your Starter or Plus account settings
  • Track the performance of your campaign
  • View and edit your Creatives
  • All of these

✅ What additional performance tracking metrics does the Waze Local Plus Dashboard include?

  • Navigation History
  • Save Clicks
  • Inbox Impressions and Action Clicks
  • All of these

✅ Almost ⅓ of the Wazers you reach on Waze Local live within how many miles of your business?

  • 6
  • 10
  • 12
  • 15

✅ On average, what navigational increase do businesses experience when they advertise on Waze Local?

In the U.S., on average, what navigational increase do businesses experience when they advertise on Waze?

  • 2%
  • 9%
  • 10%
  • 20%

✅ What types of aggregated performance reports can you receive in the Waze Local Plus Dashboard?

  • Impressions
  • Engagement
  • Both of these
  • Neither of these

✅ In designing your Waze Local Creative, you’re encouraged to think of your Waze ads as which of the following?

  • Newspaper classified or magazine campaigns
  • Repurposed digital ads cut from the Internet
  • Billboards and signs
  • Television commercials

✅ Waze Local’s “billboards with a digital backbone”? reach drivers where?

  • At point of departure or destination
  • At a static point along the roadside
  • Throughout the transition from departure to destination and along the journey
  • None of these

✅ What account management capabilities does the Waze Local Plus Dashboard offer?

  • Switch between accounts
  • Export performance reports
  • Edit business / location information
  • All of these

✅ What account management capabilities does the Plus Dashboard offer?

  • Export performance reports
  • Edit Credit Card Information (only if paid by credit card)
  • Enable / Disable Account
  • All of these

✅ Waze Ads campaigns should follow a recommended limit of _______ characters or less.

  • 25 characters or less
  • 60 characters or less
  • 100 characters or less
  • 200 characters or less

✅ Waze Ads interact directly with drivers in motion, reaching them where?

  • At their point of departure or destination
  • At a static point along the roadside
  • On their way from point A to point B, staying with them as they go
  • None of these

✅ What are some of the customizable CTAs offered for the Zero-Speed Takeover feature?

  • Drive There
  • All of these
  • Save for Later
  • Save Offer

✅ Which file type(s) can you use for your Waze ad Creative?

  • Jpg
  • Png
  • Both
  • Neither

✅ What types of aggregated performance reports can you receive in the Plus Dashboard?

  • Impressions
  • Engagement
  • Both of these
  • Neither of these

✅ Depending on the advertiser and their needs, if a client wanted to reach drivers during the afternoon only, could they do this?

  • Yes, with day part targeting
  • No, not on a specific day of the week
  • No, not at a specific time
  • No, Waze ads are random

✅ What are some of the top advertiser categories on Waze?

  • Retail
  • Auto Service
  • Fuel
  • All of these

✅ In designing your Waze Ads Creative, you’re encouraged to think of your Waze ads as which of the following?

  • Newspaper classified or magazine campaigns
  • Repurposed digital ads cut from the Internet
  • Billboards and signs
  • Television commercials

✅ Waze turns business locations into destinations by encouraging Wazers’ drives to be:

  • Spontaneous
  • Influenced
  • Assisted
  • All of these

✅ When designing Waze ads, all brand messaging and creative assets should be _______?

  • Short and sweet
  • Simple
  • Contextual
  • All of these

✅ What types of account management capabilities does the Starter Dashboard offer?

  • Add Locations
  • Switch between accounts
  • Change Budget
  • All of these

✅ What additional performance tracking metrics does the Plus Dashboard include?

  • Action Clicks
  • Ad Downloads
  • Inbox Impressions
  • All of these

✅ Which Waze offering is a data exchange program in an effort to form partnerships with local governments around the world?

  • Waze Carpool
  • Connected Citizens Program
  • Waze Ads
  • Waze for Brands

✅ Waze is a _____ movement company, with the power to move people to you.

  • Car
  • Traffic
  • GPS
  • Human

✅ Passing the “Toothbrush Test” means that drivers use Waze ____ times per day.

  • 1
  • 2
  • 5
  • 0

✅ In the U.S., on which of the following popular branding platforms do people spend the most in-app time per month, on average?

  • Waze
  • Pinterest
  • Snapchat
  • Twitter

✅ What type of additional support do Preferred Partners receive?

  • Client acquisition support
  • Training materials
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • All of these

✅ Pricing for Plus starts at $____/day?

  • $1,000
  • $500
  • $169
  • $400

✅ Which solution is meant for businesses with 1 to 10 locations?

  • Brands
  • Starter
  • Plus
  • None of these

✅ In 2017, ads on Waze generated how many navigations to local businesses around the world?

  • 4 million
  • 10 million
  • 14 million
  • 24 million

✅ Is there a minimum investment to become Certified?

  • Yes
  • No, but Fundamentals Certification is required
  • No, but Advanced Certification is required
  • None of these

✅ Pricing for Waze Ads is based upon what type of model?

  • CPM
  • Flat rate
  • Yearly subscription
  • Monthly budget

✅ In the U.S., Wazers with how many people in their household make up 65% of overall users?

  • 0
  • 1
  • 2 to 4
  • 5 to 10

✅ What business information does a Branded Pin provide when a user clicks on the info button?

  • Business locations and store hours
  • Phone number and special deals
  • Store hours and phone number
  • Business location, store hours, phone numbers, and special deals.

✅ What do all three ad formats help businesses achieve?

  • Differentiation from similar businesses in their area
  • Improved location awareness
  • Increased navigations to their locations and in-store traffic
  • All of these

✅ What can advertising on Waze Local help businesses of all sizes achieve?

  • Raise their profile
  • Increase location awareness
  • Drive in-store traffic by turning their location into a destination
  • All of these

✅ Which Waze Partner Program service level requires Waze Ads Advanced Certification and a minimum quarterly investment?

  • Waze Certified
  • Preferred Partner
  • Both
  • Neither

✅ In the U.S., nearly half (46%) of all Waze users have a yearly household income of what amount (USD)?

  • $50K or less
  • $75K
  • $90k
  • $100K or more

✅ What do Waze Ads include that traditional OOH, billboards, and other ad platforms lack?

  • Business name and logo
  • Business address
  • Critical targeting and measurement capabilities to interact directly with drivers in motion and turn your location into a destination
  • Business phone number

✅ Which ad formats does the Plus solution offer?

  • Branded Pins and Promoted Search
  • Zero-Speed Takeover
  • All of these
  • None of these

✅ If you plan to spend less than $169/day, which solution is most suitable for your business?

  • Starter
  • Plus
  • Brands
  • None of these

✅ Waze uses insights to effectively target drivers _____?

  • When they are at work
  • When they are at home
  • When they are near your business or visiting your competitors
  • When they are not using Waze

✅ What is the most recent Waze offering?

  • Connected Citizens Program
  • Waze Ads
  • Waze Carpool
  • None of these

✅ In the U.S., almost ⅓ of the Wazers you reach on Waze live within how many miles / km of your business?

  • 6 / 10
  • 10 / 16
  • 12 / 19
  • 15 / 24

✅ How many people use Waze around the world each month?

  • 20 million
  • 50 million
  • 75 million
  • > 110 million

✅ How many crowdsourced reports on routes and road conditions does Waze receive each month?

  • 10 million
  • 13 million
  • 27 million
  • 53 million

✅ Name the level(s) of the Waze Partner Program.

  • Certified
  • Partner
  • Certified and Preferred Partner
  • Waze Local Partner

âś… Zero Speed Take Over call to actions include:

  • Drive there
  • Save for later
  • Save offer
  • None of the above

âś… When do Zero Speed Take Over appear?

  • When the car comes to a complete stop for 1 second
  • When the car is going less than 25 MPH
  • When the car is in motion passing a map location
  • When the car comes to a complete stop for 4 seconds