The Coach Skills Assessment Certification Answers 2024

100% Free Updated The Coach Skills Assessment Certification Exam Questions & Answers.

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The Coach Skills Assessment Certification Details:

  • Questions: 47 questions
  • Time limit: 75 minutes to complete the assessment
  • Pass rate: 80% or higher to pass
  • Retake period: 24 hours
  • Validity Period: 12 Months

Free Certification Answer

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âś… Which of the following is NOT a goal of the Certified Coach program?

  • Adding another initiative for teachers
  • Equipping coaches with a research-based model to support effective 1:1 teacher interactions
  • Increasing teacher skillsets in innovative practices and pedagogies
  • Driving impactful technology use

âś… The Certified Coach program is unique because it focuses on broadening teacher skillset AND ____.

  • mindset
  • technology knowledge
  • patience
  • imagination

✅ Which of the following teacher groups (as defined by Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovation) is the Certified Coach program aimed at supporting?

  • All of these
  • Innovators
  • Late adopters
  • Early adopters
  • Laggards

âś… What was the goal of the Dynamic Learning Project pilot?

  • To provide every students with a device.
  • To empower teachers to leverage technology in transformative ways
  • To enable administrators to remove technology access barriers.
  • To ensure that teachers use technology all the time.

âś… True or False: When teachers buy-in and participate voluntarily in coaching, they are more likely to see themselves as co-owners of the change process.

  • True
  • False

âś… Order the five steps of the Certified Coach Model from start to finish.

The correct order of steps is:

  • Step 1 – Identify teacher challenges.
  • Step 2 – Investigate potential solutions.
  • Step 3 – Select a solution to attempt.
  • Step 4 – Implement the solution through the meet-visit-meet cadence.
  • Step 5 – Reflect on the attempted solution and progress toward the challenge.

âś… Order the steps of conducting the Gripe Jam to help teachers brainstorm and analyze problems of practice.

The correct order of steps is:

  • Step 1 – Prepare struggle scenarios to prompt the brainstorm activity.
  • Step 2 – Ask teachers to list out their own challenges on sticky notes.
  • Step 3 – Ask teachers to organize their challenges from most frustrating to least frustrating.
  • Step 4 – Rank challenges by number of people affected.
  • Step 5 – Ask teachers to circle challenges they are most motivated to address.

âś… Below are three teacher challenges. Drag and drop the best solution in this list to the challenge of practice.

The correct match for the challenges are:

  • Teachers need strategies to ascertain whether students have mastery over the lesson material – Have students verbally record their thoughts, listen, and reflect on what they have learned.
  • Students need to access and understand classwork when they are absent from school. – Allow absent students to video chat with a partner to work on a group project or gain a better understanding of an assignment.
  • Students need to build productive work habits and learn how to put effort into assignments. – Use daily internet search challenges to build perseverance and enforce research skills.

âś… True or False: Classroom visits by a coach should always be planned in advance and should never be about evaluation.

  • False
  • True

âś… At the end of the coaching cycle, the coach is planning a reflection meeting with a teacher. Which activity might help them identify successes in their practice?

  • The coach reads students comments collected during the visit
  • Reading back over meeting notes
  • The 5 Whys
  • 3-2-1 Protocol

âś… The purpose of reflection at the end of a coaching cycle is to determine successes from the coaching work and identify areas where the coach and teacher can continue to work together.

  • False
  • True

âś… Which of the following tools can be used to help manage time as a coach?

  • Google Meet
  • All of these
  • Google Form
  • Google Calendar

âś… When reflecting on a single activity, a coach should use the ____________; but when analyzing long-term teacher growth, they should use the ____________.

  • ITU framework, SAMR model
  • SAMR model, ITU framework
  • ITU framework, Coach Success Standards
  • None of these

âś… Coaching teams work together to drive impactful technology use in their schools. Administrators are responsible for ______, while coaches take the lead on ______.

  • communicating the coaches role to staff, implementing the 5-step coaching model with teachers
  • collecting individual teacher data, recruiting teachers to participate in coaching
  • recording and analyzing coaching data, collecting bright spot stories
  • implementing the 5-step coaching model, sharing bright spot stories with the school board

âś… What is the best way for your administrator to respect the confidentiality of the coach-teacher relationship, while also understanding aggregate progress and ways to support their coach?

  • Accompany the coach on a classroom visit to evaluate the teacher.
  • Sit in on a coach-teacher meeting and take notes.
  • Ask the coach to show them individual teachers’ ITU ratings.
  • Meet regularly with the coach and use questioning to get aggregate data on teachers’ overall progress.

âś… What are ways the Certified Coach program can help a coach achieve school goals?

  • Identify and celebrate bright spots throughout the year that show progress towards identified goals.
  • All of these
  • Determine methods of support needed to meet goals.
  • Meet with your team to discuss school/district goals and how the Certified Coach program can align with those goals.

âś… The Certified Coach program is intended to _______________ the priorities you have in your school and district.

  • Support
  • Change
  • Support and Amplify
  • Amplify and Change

âś… Which type of survey can be used to identify ways to continuously improve coaching throughout the year?

  • Long-term progress surveys
  • Kickoff survey
  • Medium-term progress surveys
  • Short term progress surveys

âś… Which type of survey results can show trends from the course of the school year?

  • Short-term progress survey
  • Kickoff survey
  • Long-term impact survey
  • Likert-item survey

✅ What is the best way coaching teams can work together to protect coaches’ time?

  • Have frequent conversations with administrators about workload and the possibility of offloading non-essential duties.
  • Reduce meetings with fellow coaches about program development.
  • Ensure coaches are sharing specific details about their interactions with teachers so their administrator knows exactly how coaching is going.
  • Have coaches join more school wide committees to ensure they are getting information from multiple channels.

âś… Adding coach duties makes it difficult to maintain and protect the time that strong coaching requires.

  • True
  • False

âś… Who should be involved in analyzing and reflecting on long-term impact survey data?

  • The coach
  • The administrator
  • Both the coach and the administrator

âś… Which of the following is not a key component in telling a powerful story?

  • Keeping the story short and concise
  • Narrowing in the focus of the story to a specific moment
  • Making sure the story only focuses on high-achieving students
  • Having a clear beginning, middle, and end

âś… What characteristics make for a good bright spot? Check all that apply. Select All Correct Responses

  • Concise
  • Coach-Centered
  • Organized
  • Focused

âś… What are some attributes of effective adult learning and professional development?

  • Create a protected time and space.
  • Include as much text as possible on slides to ensure teachers can read along during the presentation.
  • Allow everyone time to process their learning on their own first, then exchange ideas with others using strategies.
  • Provide a variety of ways for teachers to engage with the content.
  • All of these

âś… Why is it helpful for a coach to be visible throughout the building?

  • It allows them to help with school-wide behavior support.
  • They can get more exercise by walking around the building throughout the day.
  • It allows them to build stronger relationships with teachers.
  • They can better monitor teachers to make sure they are doing their jobs and following through on their goal commitments.

âś… What are some qualities that help build trust with teachers?

  • All of these
  • Active listening
  • Being reliable
  • Maintaining confidentiality

âś… Which of these is NOT a strategy we recommend for selecting teachers?

  • Making selections based on ensuring every student has a teacher who receives coaching.
  • Making selections based on the coach and teachers schedules.
  • Making selections based on the goals of the school and district.
  • Making selections based on who already uses the most technology.

âś… Ideally, the coaching roster is created by ______.

  • The administrator only.
  • The coach only.
  • The coach and their administrator.
  • Teacher volunteers.

âś… Who should be involved in the process of addressing barriers to technology access?

  • The coach and administrator
  • The coach, teacher and administrator
  • Teachers only
  • Innovation advocates only
  • The administrator only

âś… When having coaching conversations, utilizing active listening strategies can help a coach develop a stronger relationship with teachers. Match the following examples with the strategies they are illustrating.

The correct Match order is:

  • Maintain eye contact when teachers are speaking, and wait for a pause before responding. – Give your full attention
  • The teacher says, “My students are always off-task.” A Certified Coach paraphrases as, “I hear that you want to make sure your students are focused on success.” – Assume positive intent
  • Avoid responding with what you would do, but paraphrase teacher statements for clarity only. – Listen non-judgmentally
  • Using student work during a meeting to guide the conversation. – Use references

âś… Activating teacher leaders as innovation advocates can amplify transformative technology use in schools. Sequence the following steps a coach should take to best support innovation advocates.

The correct sequence of steps is:

  • Step 1 – Work with advocates to plan an activity that shares Impactful Technology Use with others.
  • Step 2 – Work with advocates as needed to implement the activity.
  • Step 3 – Plan several check-in points to meet and reflect with advocates.
  • Step 4 – Celebrate advocates’ work and accomplishments.

âś… Order the steps of the strategic goal alignment protocol.

The correct order of steps is:

  • Step 1 – Write down your strategic goals.
  • Step 2 – Write down ways that coaching is helping meet the strategic goals.
  • Step 3 – Brainstorm support for each goal.
  • Step 4 – Identify high-impact action items.
  • Step 5 – Determine evidence of completion.

âś… When using the time-saving protocol by Stephen Covey, which of the following IS NOT a question you should ask yourself?

  • Are there items that can be removed from the coach’s plate altogether?
  • Does the coach enjoy this task?
  • Does this task need to be completed right away?
  • Does this task need to be completed by the coach?
  • Is there someone else who can do this task instead of the coach?

âś… Which one of the following is NOT a solution that should be used to address coaching time-management barriers?

  • Using video calls to coach outside of school hours.
  • Meeting with teachers during professional development days.
  • Choosing to work with tech savvy teachers each cycle.
  • Finding times to meet during lunch periods or assemblies.

✅ Amplifying the positive effects of your coaching team’s work is a great way to advocate for your school and district. Match the following amplify categories with examples of implementation for each.

The correct match order is:

  • Celebrating wins – Incorporate shoutouts and celebrations into your staff culture.
  • Engaging parents and community – Host a family innovation night.
  • Fostering teacher leadership – Engage innovation advocates to support peers.
  • Telling your story – Create a social media video channel or page to share bright spots.

✅ Which of the following is NOT one of Malcolm Knowles’ six assumptions of adult learners?

  • Need-to-know
  • Motivation
  • Student-centered
  • Relevancy-oriented

âś… Which of the following are characteristics of a connected educator?

  • All of these
  • Shares and adds value to others
  • Takes ownership of their professional learning
  • Is collaborative
  • Uses technology to connect

âś… Which of the following classroom management tips is NOT helpful for teachers and students?

  • Create attention-grabbing signals
  • Help students set realistic goals
  • Teach digital citizenship
  • Take away technology as a punishment for bad behavior.

âś… Which of the following is NOT a curricular resource to help teach digital citizenship?

  • Common Sense Media
  • Be Internet Awesome
  • Applied Digital Skills
  • Google Classroom

✅ “Differentiating the process” means asking which of the following?

  • How will I teach this content?
  • What is the climate and space of learning like?
  • How will the learning take place?
  • How will the learning be communicated?

âś… True or False: Teachers are important stakeholders and you should share your assessment of coaching impact with them.

  • True
  • False

âś… Which of the following is NOT a strategy that can help teachers effectively manage time and tasks? [Click all that apply]

  • Ask another teacher to cover duties to free up time
  • Schedule to-do lists using Google Calendar
  • Increase productivity by compartmentalizing tasks
  • Manage emails through the filtering feature in Gmail
  • Automate student data with Google Forms and Sheets

âś… Which of the following is NOT a suggestion for successful collaboration using technology?

  • Allow one student to complete the majority of the work in a group
  • Establish clear check-in points for large-scale projects
  • Provide ongoing feedback throughout a task
  • Ensure the teacher is shared on students’ share work from the beginning of projects
  • Consider defining student roles within groups

âś… To measure long-term coaching impact in your school, the Certified Coach program recommends distributing an end of year survey to ______.

  • Only coached teachers
  • School and district leadership
  • All teachers
  • Innovation advocates

âś… To advocate for coaching, you can share bright spot stories and data-based trends with _______.

  • all of these
  • district cabinet members
  • parent-teacher organizations
  • innovation advocates
  • the school board

âś… Sequence the following steps that a coach should take to apply for certification.

The correct sequence of steps is:

  • Step 1 – Complete the Certified Coach curriculum
  • Step 2 – Pass the Coach Skills assessment
  • Step 3 – Create a coaching portfolio with a short video, 3 artifacts and an administrator reference
  • Step 4 – Submit a certification application