100% Free & Updated Twitter Cross-Border Advertising Badge Certification Exam Questions & Answers.
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Twitter Cross-Border Advertising Badge Certification Details:
- Questions: 20 questions
- Pass rate: 80%
- Time: No Time Limit

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(Click on the questions, to get the correct answers)
✅ You are an American fashion brand that aims to expand to the French market. You created a French video ad to promote your new business casual design to young professional women between 20 to 40 years old. What are your targeting criteria?
✅ Which one is NOT one of the features of Ad composer
✅ You’re launching a product in a new market. The goal of your campaign is to drive consideration in hopes that people on Twitter will purchase your product. What type of campaign would be best suited to help you achieve your goal?
✅ Your game company is running a video ad to promote your new RPG game in the Japanese market. Your marketing team found that this game is most popular among teenage boys who are interested in Shōnen manga and anime. What are your targeting criteria?
✅ Which of the following statements is correct?
✅ Your brand invented a new vegan burger. Your marketing team created a video ad targeting the audience in France. You want to direct your audience to your website to make the purchase. Please select all the correct strategies for your campaign.
✅ What makes influential people on Twitter different from those on other platforms?
✅ What are the benefits of having different ad groups in your ad campaign?
✅ You’re a French clothing brand, you want to connect with your audience in America and invite them to a join conversation on this season’s color palettes. Which Twitter campaign objective would help you accomplish this?
✅ You’re launching a new restaurant franchise in a new market and you want to increase overall awareness of your brand. Which objective would be best suited for your campaign?
✅ You’re about to launch your product in a new market and you want people to sign up for email updates by filling out a form on your site. Which Twitter campaign objective would help you accomplish this?
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✅ What are the three categories for objective-based campaigns on Twitter?
✅ What are the benefits of frequency caps?
✅ You want to expand your skincare brand to the markets in Germany and Austria. Currently, you only have the English version of your Twitter ad creatives. Select the right approaches to translate your English Creatives to German.
✅ Why do you need creative asset optimizations when advertising on Twitter?
✅ You’re an experienced advertiser who knows how much you’re looking to pay per billable engagement at scale. Which bid type should you choose?
✅ In the @FootballManager example, how did @SIgames drive awareness across Europe to promote #FM21ReleaseDay?
✅ You are an International sportswear brand. You want to launch your campaign in several different English-speaking countries (America, UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand) to promote your new line of sneakers. Please select all the correct strategies for your campaign.
✅ What are the three levels of your campaign structure?
✅ You’re a food delivery service app, and you want to let your users know about a new “30 minutes or less” premium feature you’re launching in your app. Which campaign objective should you choose?
✅ What are the three simple rules of creative best practices?
✅ You are a content creator who creates funny videos. You want to launch a campaign on Twitter to gain more followers in Australia. Please select all the correct strategies for your campaign.
✅ What are the three steps for success in cross-border advertising?
✅ Which one is NOT a reason for creative localization?
✅ Which campaign objective can help your brand connect with 200+ premium publishers that align with your audience’s interests?
✅ You are the CEO of a tech startup. You are uncertain about your target audience. You want to run a reach campaign on Twitter to promote your new time management app. You SHOULD do ALL of these things EXCEPT.
✅ You want to promote your citrus flavored sports drink to a wider International audience on Twitter. Choose the creative best practices you can apply in your video ads.
✅ You are a first-time Twitter advertiser with a highly restricted budget. Which bid type should you choose?
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