The Fundamentals Of SEO Client Prospecting Exam Answers 2025

100% Free Updated Moz Academy The Fundamentals Of SEO Client Prospecting Certification Exam Questions & Answers.

The main module gives a prologue to the Fundamentals Of SEO Client Prospecting. The subsequent module explains the Who-What-Why of Client Prospecting, What is Client Prospecting, Who To Prospect For SEO, and Why Prospecting Is Essential. The third module explains What is Lifetime Customer Value, and How To Calculate Lifetime Customer Value.

Fundamentals Of SEO Client Prospecting Certification Details:

  • Questions: 25 questions

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What is SEO client prospecting?

  • The poaching of SEO clients from other agencies
  • The process of searching for potential customers, in order to develop new business
  • Helping SEO clients find gold in a river
  • None of the above

Who should you prospect for SEO?

  • Businesses who don’t have websites
  • Businesses who have heard of SEO
  • Businesses who need SEO
  • None of the above

Why do medical professionals need SEO services?

  • People search for a provider when they’re experiencing symptoms or pain
  • Patients are having a hard time finding providers
  • The healthcare industry is stagnant and needs SEO
  • None of the above

True or False: Currently, there are about 200 million active websites.

  • True
  • False

Which of the following is a reason to filter a prospect OUT as a potential client?

  • Their site is ranking on the 2nd page of Google
  • They have a budget for SEO, but haven’t spent it yet
  • Their site is ranking on the 1st page of Google for most keywords
  • None of the above

What happens when prospecting is missing?

  • Your prospects feel loved and respected
  • You spend valuable time chasing the wrong opportunities
  • You gain opportunities without any effort
  • None of the above

What Is Lifetime Customer Value?

  • Actual total revenue a client can bring to your agency for the length of your relationship
  • A prediction of the total revenue a client can bring to your agency for the length of your relationship
  • A prediction of the amount of time spent on a customer’s account for the length of your relationship
  • None of the above

Why does Lifetime Customer Value matter?

  • It helps determine which customers have the most SEO knowledge
  • It excludes data from prospecting
  • It doesn’t matter that much
  • None of the above

True or False: Minimum LCV = (monthly amount) x (number of months the customer uses your service)

  • True
  • False

What does Retention Rate LCV take into account?

  • How long a client ranks on the 1st page of Google
  • The average retention rate for a specific industry with an agency
  • How long one client stays with an agency
  • None of the above

True or False: A small, one-person business selling pet grooming services likely has a high LCV.

  • True
  • False

Which of the following has the highest LCV?

  • Kapowski Orthodontics
  • Winfield Landscaping
  • Apex Water Filters

How can you improve LCV?

  • Upsell based on past client requests
  • Limit the number of months you work with a client
  • Lower your rate to compete with other agencies
  • None of the above

Where is a dental office prospect in the Sales Funnel if they’re asking, “How can I acquire more patients?”

  • Top
  • Middle
  • Bottom
  • None of the above

Where is a dental office prospect in the Sales Funnel if they’re asking, “How can build links to my dental office’s website?”

  • Top
  • Middle
  • Bottom
  • None of the above

What can happen if you take a Bottom of Funnel approach with a Top of Funnel Lead?

  • It can help the lead understand SEO
  • It can establish trust with the prospect
  • It can come off as salesy
  • None of the above

What can happen if you take a Top of Funnel approach with a Middle of Funnel Lead?

  • It can stall the process of moving the customer down the Sales Funnel
  • It can establish trust with the prospect
  • It can come off as salesy
  • None of the above

True or False: A Buyer Persona is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer, based on market research and real data about your existing customers.

  • True
  • False

Why should you create buyer personas?

  • Buyer personas don’t have significance in the prospecting process
  • Customers receive them, and they help them better understand SEO principles
  • Each type of customer is different, and buyer personas demonstrate that
  • None of the above

True or False: Buyer personas do NOT segment out the “bad apples” from the rest of your contacts.

  • True
  • False

True or False: Interviewing current customers is a good way to build personas.

  • True
  • False

Which of the following teams within your organization would be a good resource on the different types of customers you serve?

  • IT Team
  • Sales Team
  • Executive Team
  • None of the above

Which of the following would NOT be included on a Buyer Persona?

  • Communication preference
  • Industry LCV
  • Rank in Google
  • None of the above

What is an “Objection” on a Buyer Persona?

  • Why your agency wouldn’t sign with a customer
  • Why a customer isn’t ranking in Google
  • Why a customer would not sign with your agency
  • None of the above

How many buyer personas should you create?

  • Start with 1, and as you analyze, you’ll increase the number
  • As many as possible
  • 25
  • None of the above