100% Free & updated HubSpot Objective-Based Onboarding Certification Exam Questions & Answers.
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HubSpot Objective-Based Onboarding Assessment Details:
- Time limit: 3 Hours
- Questions: 60 questions
- Pass rate: 80% or higher to pass
- Retake period: If you don’t pass the assessment, you can take it after 12 hours.

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(Click on the questions, to get the correct answers)
✅ The top two reasons for customer churn are:
✅ True or False: Before Objectives-Based Onboarding, HubSpot used a standard onboarding process to prioritize how our product fits into your company’s process.
✅ When HubSpot implemented Objectives-Based Onboarding with their direct customers, which of the following customer success metrics increased as a result?
✅ Without Objectives-Based Onboarding implemented at your Solutions Partner organization:
✅ With Objectives-Based Onboarding implemented at your Solutions Partner organization:
✅ When HubSpot sales reps select the initial goals for their customer to complete during Objectives-Based Onboarding, the sales rep’s selections from a _______ deal property transform into a specific set of pre-determined tasks in HubSpot Projects.
✅ Which of the following steps are required to complete “The Kickoff Call Prep-List”? Select all that apply.
✅ True or False: Your Growth Plan Template should be saved in the CRM and not shared with your customer until your meeting.
✅ Which HubSpot collaboration tool should be the source of truth to keep you and your customer organized and on track?
✅ When researching through the lens of a liaison, what steps should you take to carefully scope out how their current practices will translate to the HubSpot software? Select all that apply.
✅ Scenario: Your customer has been assigned a task outside of their scope of expertise. They share that they have spent 10 hours trying to complete this one task. As their onboarding rep, what action should you take?
✅ During the growth plan call, be prepared to connect specific recommendations you have for their long-term growth to:
✅ Comparing roles in the 4×100-meter relay to Objectives-Based Onboarding, if the first runner represents your sales team and the second runner represents your services team, what does the baton represent?
✅ Customer onboarding is defined as:
✅ Implementing a strategy for customer onboarding will increase which of the following business metrics? Select all that apply.
✅ Implementing a strategy for customer onboarding will decrease which of the following business metrics?
✅ Scenario: Your Solutions Partner organization is onboarding two different customers who both purchased Marketing Hub Professional.Customer A wants to focus on improving quality lead generation and prefers to meet multiple times a week to get feedback on their progress. Customer B wants to automate their entire marketing process and prefers a more autonomous approach. What onboarding strategy should your Solutions Partner organization use?
✅ True or False: When customers are in control of how their onboarding is designed, they are less likely to engage.
✅ Which “HubSpot Customer Code” tenet did our customer onboarding team need to revisit to create the Objectives-Based Onboarding strategy?
✅ Which of the following did NOT lead to the creation of Objectives-Based Onboarding at HubSpot?
✅ The role of a customer onboarding specialist is twofold. They’ll assist as a _______ and a _______for your team.
✅ What were the key approaches HubSpot used when launching Objectives-Based Onboarding? Select all that apply.
✅ What is the maximum number of Objectives-Based Onboarding projects that can be assigned to new customers?
✅ What signifies the completion of Objectives-Based Onboarding?
✅ True or False: Objectives-Based Onboarding simplifies the process of learning new software, enabling HubSpot and its customers to train smarter.
✅ Without Objectives-Based Onboarding implemented at your Solutions Partner organization:
✅ With Objectives-Based Onboarding implemented at your Solutions Partner organization:
✅ True or False: The goal of Objectives-Based Onboarding is to maximize trust with new customers by prioritizing and customizing onboarding based on their most important goals, so they can accomplish their goals faster.
✅ True or False: Maximizing the value of your customer’s onboarding experience begins with capturing valuable information in the kickoff call.
✅ Comparing roles in the 4×100-meter relay to Objectives-Based Onboarding, if the first runner represents your sales team and the second runner represents your services team, what does the baton represent?
✅ What are the consequences if the proverbial baton is dropped during the transition between Sales and Services? Select all that apply.
✅ True or False: Your customer will be more likely to cross the finish line if your sales and services teams complete a successful baton handoff in the “exchange zone.”
✅ True or False: Before any deal can be closed at HubSpot, the sales rep must make one last call to the customer to summarize their onboarding expectations and define their preliminary goals.
✅ What are the primary inputs HubSpot transfers from Sales to enable Services to conduct Objectives-Based Onboarding?
✅ True or False: At HubSpot, the services team is responsible for uploading the corresponding Objectives-Based Onboarding HubSpot Projects templates to the customer’s account so they can be evaluated before the kickoff call.
✅ True or False: Sales processes in every organization are unique. But that shouldn’t stop you from making your customer’s priorities your priorities during Objectives-Based Onboarding.
✅ True or False: Throughout the duration of onboarding, your customer should direct their short-term technical questions to their onboarding rep.
✅ The goal of the kickoff call is always going to be:
✅ What three phases can your Solutions Partner organization utilize to obtain buy-in from your sales team to implement Objective-Based Onboarding?
✅ Which of the following is NOT a primary goal of the kickoff call?
✅ Scenario: You are an onboarding rep at a company that uses Objectives-Based Onboarding. You’ve just been assigned a new customer to onboard. As you conduct research to complete your “Kickoff Call Prep List,” you discover that the deal note from the sales rep lacks crucial details, preventing you from having a successful kickoff call. What is your first course of action?
✅ When executing the “Kickoff Call Prep List” what lenses should you use when researching your customer’s business? Select all that apply.
✅ Scenario: You are an onboarding rep tasked with executing Objectives-Based Onboarding with a new customer. Your sales team has selected the customer’s onboarding projects. You need to upload and customize these in their account, prior to the kickoff call. After entering the “Project Templates” section of the Projects tool, what tag should you search for to populate the library of Objectives-Based Onboarding projects to copy to your customer’s account?
✅ When conducting research for kickoff calls, which HubSpot productivity tool helps standardize your note-taking process?
✅ Which key pieces of information should be included in your kickoff call note snippet? Select all that apply.
✅ The kickoff call agenda consists of which of the following points? Select all that apply.
✅ True or False: When working on Objectives-Based Onboarding activities, you can assign tasks to specific users within HubSpot Projects?
✅ What Objectives-Based Onboarding project helps ensure that your customer is prepared to use more advanced features down the line?
✅ After the kickoff call, how frequently should the onboarding reps schedule meetings?
✅ What is a project manager?
✅ The majority of your Objectives-Based Onboarding customer engagements can be categorized as:
✅ In Objectives-Based Onboarding project management meetings, your goal is to enable your customer to achieve their goals, But, it’s your responsibility is to:
✅ True or False: When you organize work for your customer to do, they will begin feeling more comfortable in their surroundings.
✅ When comparing the skills required to execute a kickoff call versus project management meetings, the kickoff call requires the onboarding team to:
✅ Tasks in HubSpot Projects can be their own self-service tool when the following criteria are met. Select all that apply.
✅ HubSpot’s expert Objectives-Based Onboarding project managers shared their tried-and-true habits and mottos when supporting customers through Objectives-Based Onboarding. Which guiding habits apply to every type of customer?
✅ True or False: Make it clear to your customer that you will be completing all of the Objectives-Based Onboarding projects at the same time to maximize the value of your experience.
✅ True or False: Allowing your customer to reshuffle the order of the tasks, potentially omitting some all together is against Objectives-Based Onboarding project management best practices.
✅ True or False: If you and your customer are not experiencing the progress you anticipated, it may be an indicator that you need to circle back to the principle of adapting tasks based on prioritization.
✅ Scenario: Your customer has informed you that they want to change all their goals to align with a newly-discovered feature of their HubSpot software. As their onboarding rep, what action should you take? Select all that apply.
✅ True or False: According to the expert project managers at HubSpot, succeeding in their role means they are able to absorb their customer’s confusion and offer clarity in return.
✅ Which of the following is not a project management strategy to focus on when working with On Track Otto?
✅ Which of the following is not a project management strategy to focus on working with Behind Schedule Ben?
✅ Which of the following is not a project management strategy to focus on working with Always Ahead Amy?
✅ In the context of Objectives-Based Onboarding, growth planning is:
✅ What are the two sections of the Growth Plan Template?
✅ True or False: Every customer who has experienced Objectives-Based Onboarding at HubSpot can be organized into our three project management personas.
✅ When should the growth plan call be scheduled?
✅ Which of the following is not an agenda item in the growth plan call?
✅ True or False: HubSpot experienced a frictionless evolution of their sales process when adapting to Objectives-based Onboarding.
✅ True or False: Sales processes in every organization are unique, but that shouldn’t stop you from organizing and documenting what matters most to make your customer’s priorities your priorities during Objectives-Based Onboarding.
✅ When comparing the skills required to execute a kickoff call versus project management meetings, project management meetings require the onboarding team to: